worship with us
Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God.
Colossians 3:16
sunday school @ 9am
Worship @ 10am
Midweek Dinner @ 5:30pm
Midweek Worship @ 6:30pm

A biblical roadmap for worship
We form our worship services according to what we see in the Scriptures. In Isaiah 6, Isaiah had an amazing worship experience in the temple and it provides us with a roadmap and a model for our weekly worship gatherings.
Worship starts with God revealing Himself to His people. During this part of our service, we read the Scriptures together so that we are reminded of who God is and how we should live.
Adoring God is expressing our love for Him as Lord, Creator, Sustainer and Redeemer. This is the part of our service where we focus our attention on celebrating God for who He is and what He has done.
Confessing our sins and brokenness to God is something we see time and time again in the Bible. This is the part of our service where we confess our sinfulness and our need for the grace of Jesus.
Redemption is part of what Jesus accomplished for us in His death. Jesus died to atone for our sin and buy our freedom. During this part of our service, we focus all of our attention on what Jesus did for us at the Cross.
One of our core values at Seaford Baptist is Faithful Teaching. We use this portion of our service to open the Bible and proclaim the Word of God by teaching through the Scriptures verse-by-verse.
When God speaks, we should respond. During this part of the service, the church dedicates itself to the truth of what God has said in His Word with songs and prayers.
As we leave from our worship gathering and go back into the world, we want to praise God and ask Him for His blessings on us with a unified voice. During this part of our service, we not only ask God to bless us, but to make us a blessing to Him and to the world around us.