Sunday school

Find your class

Young Families and Professionals — A co-ed class designed for ages 25-45 who are intentional about building community with one another
(Upstairs Worship Center Lobby)

Senior Adult Class — A class designed for ages 60 and up, where community and spiritual growth are the goals
(Room 14/15)

Steadfast Class — A class designed for women of all ages
(Room 16)

Mixed Adult Class — A class designed for 50s and up, but open to all looking to connect around the Bible
(Multipurpose Room 3)

Young Adults — A co-ed class designed for ages 18-25
(Room 10/11)

Women’s Class — A class designed for women of all ages
(Room 17)

Systematic Theology Class — A co-ed class for all ages designed for anyone wanting to learn more theology
(Multipurpose Room 1)

Spirit-Filled Class — A co-ed class designed for all ages, primarily using book studies for material
(Multipurpose Room 2)

Join a Sunday School Class today and walk the path from spiritual growth to connecting with others to walking in the works God has prepared for you.