Dear friend,
We pray that this letter finds you well. We have all been through plenty over the last few years and we truly hope that you have come through it with your health and many blessings.
We wanted to reach out to you as members of our church family at Seaford Baptist and let you know of some exciting things that we have happening in our congregation. We have gotten out of debt in the last couple of years. We praise God for this and all of the new ways that we have been able to serve Him as a result–from new mission partnerships to our Christmas Lights Show outreach. We are also grateful to be able to continue efforts like Vacation Bible School, Upward Basketball and our cherished weekly gatherings. If you would like to see what is happening in the life of our church, feel free to visit our website at or find us on Facebook or Instagram.
With that being said, God’s work in our congregation has only increased a desire in our pastors and deacons to support and strengthen our church membership, as the Lord has called us to do (1 Timothy 3:1-13). If you are currently active in our church body, we are so thankful for all that you do and we are eager to continue serving Christ together. If you are not currently active in our church body, we want you to know how much we have loved your participation in the life of our church in the past and how we desire to see you engaged with the church in the present. We have definitely missed you and we want you to be a part of all that God is doing at Seaford Baptist.
Church membership is a biblical concept (1 Corinthians 12:12) and one that is filled with incredible joy. At Seaford Baptist, members promise to grow in Christ-like character, protect the unity of the church, live out the implications of the Gospel toward the world and participate in the ministry of the church. They are able to vote at meetings, lead Sunday School classes, receive care from pastors and deacons and serve in leadership. We would love for you to experience the full blessing of being a part of the life of our church!
If you are currently an active member of Seaford Baptist or if you are homebound or temporarily out of the area, and you have every intention of affirming the Church Covenant and continuing in membership, we are overjoyed to continue serving the Lord together.
If you would like to know more about our current mission and direction and how you can re-engage in fellowship with us, we would love to speak with you about that. We would love to be able to help you get reconnected and help you find a place to serve.
It is possible that you are attending another Bible-believing, Gospel-preaching local church. If that is the case, we would love to know about it. You will be greatly missed, but we are thankful you have found a church home. Just know that our door is always open for a visit.
We also recognize that many of you will have moved away and that while you can no longer uphold the duties of membership because of distance, you desire to remain in contact with us. We are prepared to arrange that as well. We have a host of ways for our friends and former members to stay in touch with us.
Finally, we also recognize that you may desire for your name to be removed from our membership roll for some other reason. Again, you will be greatly missed and our door truly remains open to you.
Thank you for taking the time to read this letter. Please consider helping in our efforts to better care for our church body by filling out the SBC Meaningful Membership Form. Please complete a form for each person in your household who is a member. If you have any questions, you can call the church office (757-898-5384) or e-mail us at
Grace and Peace,
Pastor Michael Howard, Pastor Ben Little & the Deacons of Seaford Baptist Church